Tuesday, March 22, 2011

This is my version of college life...How about u?

Since someone keep asking all of us to update this blog as frequent as possible...so, here am i =D
Sharing some memorable, sweet, crazy moments i had during my studies in Inti...All the photos are in chronological order...

CFP Sem 1
First presentation for all of us i guess...Wearing formal for the 1st time in my life @.@ Well, this was our original number of classmates during foundation...SIX!!! Ya, your eyes don't hav problem nor your basic maths failed...that's only a total of six people in our class =(

CFP Sem 1
December 2008, my 1st semester in inti, time flies =( It was kw's 18th birthday...had a small party in the classroom =D Well, did we change alot? Become fatter, uglier? LOL! judge it yourself XD

CFP Sem 2
Haha!!! Some crazy photos of us! March '09, exactly 2 years ago! Miss those moments although we look like nerds =(

CFP Sem 3
There are actually more and more photos towards the end of the semester...I suppose our friendships grew closer and closer, which ultimately lead to more outings, hangout and crazy moments!!! =)

After that, we officially finish our foundation....and part our own way T.T (Justty left us XD)
I still remember vividly some of us were initially planning to take mgt course and not accounting, we never expect to study together again after we graduate~
~After 6 months~
But, miracles do happen...3 out of 4 of us continue taking Curtin programme offered by Inti =D

Degree 1st semester, was the time we officially met jia wen...The above pics was taken on horror fest, a year ago...Time flies, 2moro we're going for this year pirates ahoy, but with more frens and buddies =) Hope it won't rain LOL!

May '10...Photo session by the pro DSLR user, Nicole =D During this semester, we grew closer with Nic, A and BS due to our accounting assignment and presentation....

Taken on Aug '10! Those horizontal was taken during my 20th birthday celebration, had a great birthday that year =) While those vertical were taken during our our so called "assignment discussion" =X You can see, we're serious over there, ken was acting cute, while kw was playing with the rojak we just bought back from pasar malam LOL

This semester marks the friendship of 6 of us =D Needless to say, due to Mgt group assignment, our friendships grew closer....had exercise session, eating session, "oversea" tour too LOL
And too bad, i only had pictures till our previous semester....That's why i can't really continue with BAFCU Sem 3...maybe the guy with DSLR can do all of us a favour?! XD

Well, that's my version of college life and it's still going on..i hope with u guys around, it can be more exciting and more crazier haha! What about u guys especially zc and xr, i hope u two can update your life back in miri....Hope to hear from you all soon =D

p/s: 2moro pirates party is actually gonna be the 1st time 6 of us gather together since last semester! Can't wait for it =D

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