Wednesday, March 2, 2011

6 of us =D

Okay, since this blog is specially dedicated to 6 of us, therefore, needless to say i'll have to introduce ourselves to all the beloved readers out there LOL!

OH YA, keep in mind, this would b a total crap post, i'll be talking alot of nonsense, which i'm famous of =D, so if u guys think it's annoying, pls NAVIGATE from this page RIGHT NOW!!!! ;D

The story goes like this....从前, once upon a time XD, there's this 6 strangers born in different years (1988, 89, 90) and different countries and state (China,Penang, Perlis etc). And ermmmmm....the rest is history LOL!!!!! okay wat, don't expect me to give u all the details, we need Privacy k!!!!!!! XD

Anyhow, the main thing is they somehow chooses to study in Inti Penang, taking the infamous "Curtin program"...and tada this is how their friendship starts! Let's introduce all the main actor and actress shall we =)

1st up, Jia Wen, my 大姐, come from Perlis! She's a nice person to hang out with thought there's a hugh age gap btw us lol but somehow we manage to infiltrate into each other life haha!! So, i don't really know who's having issue here, it's either she's too childish or i'm too mature =X But, i would choose the former of coz =) Oh Gosh, and mind u guys, she's a SPAMMING QUEEN, she can spam your facebook day and night ALLEHLUYA!!

And with her spamming ability, she has so far won so many recognition and prize all over the world!!! Not kidding k!!! Her 1st prize was an iphone due to her spamming in infoyana =X...Anyhow, i certainly welcome u to spam my fb coz it's really brighten my day HAHA! And thought she's the oldest of us, and you guys will surely think, she should b the one making decision or controlling us...nah, then, you're wrong, basically she's the one that always kena bully and "zat"!!!! And the best part is she's never angry no matter what we, it's really good to have you around, jw!!!!!!

Next up, Zhou Chen, my 二哥, from Nanjing, China...which is from my home LOL! He's a very helpful person, u can approach him with your homeworks or any assignments and i'm sure he's willing to help =) Anyhow, girls outhere, he's oredy taken by my 狮子座 三姐 RoaRRRRRRR!!!!! So, be careful to keep at least 3 metre away from him ;D And here are some of his tagline which i would like to quote here, such as "没问题" "都可以" XD Seriously, whenever u ask him where should we hangout to? or should we eat this or eat that, he will reply you with his so called tagline @@

Plus, i'm really impressed with his recent dedication towards gym and exercising!!! How i wish i could be like him =( Anyway, too bad, this semester, i don't even have a subject same with him but thanks God we still able to hangout or go badminton whenever we want hehe...I hereby wish you 减肥成功!!!! Gambateh!!!!

Here come my 三姐,Xiao Rong! She's from Guiyang, China! Haha, sure many 贵人 overthere lo (Dr. Tang, 2011). My friendship with her are abit complicated lol...we took exactly the same subjects during our 1st sem in curtin, but surprisingly, we never talk nor we exchange smile lol! My 1st impression on her was she's those quiet type and hard to mix around those kind. And not to mention her eyes, it's big that it frightened me >.< (I'm timid ma T.T) So, basically, for that whole semester, i don't dare to have eye contacts with her XD....

And who noes time flies, and during semester 2 we're assigned to the same group for mgt subjects! And Tada...from there onwards, our friendships grew closer! And somehow i have many similarity with her, like she's a leo too, and she like to sleep late and wake up in the afternoon (coz whenver i told my frens i wake up in the afternoon, they said i'm a freak and abnormal T__T) And both us are fans of PPS. Trust me, she watch TVB dramas too...A china gal watch cantonese drama..weird not?!

And here is Ken, my 四哥, but somehow i feel like he's more to my 四姐! 他比女人还要女人, haha, this is wat me and kw agree to sometimes =D Don't ask me why?! Maybe it's just because he can cook and like know a lot of ladies' things?! (LOL! sounds pervert) And i knew him the longest out of the rest, this year would be our 7th years friendships...So, somehow more like a sister to me haha! He's the organizer of our team, he will come out with all sort of plans like where to eat, what to do...Therefore, with him around, boredom basically wouldn't occur =)

He's the main driver of us too...he will drive us around Penang island to search for interesting food and places! Sometime, i feel paiseh also coz he's the one who always fetch us...But, then, he's oso the main culprit where my pocket money getting lesser and lesser RoAARRRRR!!!!! XD It's just to many 诱惑 from him "eh, there's this good food here, let's go try later" =( Overall, he's a nice friends to all of us, i do cherish our friendships...I bet things wouldn't b the same again after you go to Aussie!

Allehluya, my dear princess turns XD! Kai Wen, my 六妹!!!! She's like the best friends i ever had...i mean she's a really good friends, whenever u got problem, she will definitely lend her hands, especially regarding assignments. She somehow has the spirit " I'll help u 1st, before i settle my own thing" =D I dono what to say about her...she's my 贵人!!! She really help me a lot in my studies, without her i bet my results would b so sucks LOL!

I still remember my 1st encounter with her...It was in foundation and when i 1st saw her, i was like, eh, this girl is a left handed too...and moment after that class finish, she turns around (she sits in the front row)...and ask, "how do we actually look at this timetable?"....And of coz the rest is history again HAHA! And this semester, we're actually getting lesser subjects together =( and our time of hangout oso getting lesser =( Somehow we see each other less and talk less, but deep in my heart, we knew our friendships never change! Oh btw, she's getting prettier and prettier!! i guess she wanna abandon the so called immature look hmmm....

Well, that's the end of my version of stories regarding my buddies!! Told you'll already wat, it's full of crap!!! Hehehe...Well, as for my part, i'll let the 5 of u to say, judge and elaborate haha...

p/s: for this moment, we should seriously cherish our friendships coz we dono what might happen the next moment right =D CheeeerrrrrsSSSSS!!!!!!!

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