Saturday, March 26, 2011

miri life~~

来来 现在由我来给大家展览一下 我们在miri时的生活~~~

这是我在miri 第一次在外面和朋友一起过年~(那是比较胖 哈哈)


哈哈哈 小插曲~~
来张super 胖的时候 而且那时..有点喝多了 哈哈哈哈


oh ya everybody~~~BIG APPLE~~~yummy yummy~~肥死我 来吧~~


 MIRI 一个充满着回忆的地方~~这仅仅是相片中的一部分..可是每一张都能深深的勾起心中的回忆...(嘘...一下的为私密照)~~~


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pirates Ahoy ~~ !!!! 海盗阿辉?!

Greetings everyone, oh wait, i should have used chinese instead. 大家好,昨晚想必玩得很累吧,碰巧遇到倾盆大雨所以未能玩得尽兴。。。话是不必多说了,因每个人都在场,言多了也没意思,就让那些相片来告诉你吧。。。然而,大致上的照片都已被我上载至“非死不可”,只剩下某一部分尚未公开。。。让我们逐一分晓吧。。。






综合以上种种相片,不禁让我叹息,道德沦落,世风日下; 现在的年轻人还真不懂羞耻二字怎么写!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

This is my version of college life...How about u?

Since someone keep asking all of us to update this blog as frequent as, here am i =D
Sharing some memorable, sweet, crazy moments i had during my studies in Inti...All the photos are in chronological order...

CFP Sem 1
First presentation for all of us i guess...Wearing formal for the 1st time in my life @.@ Well, this was our original number of classmates during foundation...SIX!!! Ya, your eyes don't hav problem nor your basic maths failed...that's only a total of six people in our class =(

CFP Sem 1
December 2008, my 1st semester in inti, time flies =( It was kw's 18th birthday...had a small party in the classroom =D Well, did we change alot? Become fatter, uglier? LOL! judge it yourself XD

CFP Sem 2
Haha!!! Some crazy photos of us! March '09, exactly 2 years ago! Miss those moments although we look like nerds =(

CFP Sem 3
There are actually more and more photos towards the end of the semester...I suppose our friendships grew closer and closer, which ultimately lead to more outings, hangout and crazy moments!!! =)

After that, we officially finish our foundation....and part our own way T.T (Justty left us XD)
I still remember vividly some of us were initially planning to take mgt course and not accounting, we never expect to study together again after we graduate~
~After 6 months~
But, miracles do happen...3 out of 4 of us continue taking Curtin programme offered by Inti =D

Degree 1st semester, was the time we officially met jia wen...The above pics was taken on horror fest, a year ago...Time flies, 2moro we're going for this year pirates ahoy, but with more frens and buddies =) Hope it won't rain LOL!

May '10...Photo session by the pro DSLR user, Nicole =D During this semester, we grew closer with Nic, A and BS due to our accounting assignment and presentation....

Taken on Aug '10! Those horizontal was taken during my 20th birthday celebration, had a great birthday that year =) While those vertical were taken during our our so called "assignment discussion" =X You can see, we're serious over there, ken was acting cute, while kw was playing with the rojak we just bought back from pasar malam LOL

This semester marks the friendship of 6 of us =D Needless to say, due to Mgt group assignment, our friendships grew closer....had exercise session, eating session, "oversea" tour too LOL
And too bad, i only had pictures till our previous semester....That's why i can't really continue with BAFCU Sem 3...maybe the guy with DSLR can do all of us a favour?! XD

Well, that's my version of college life and it's still going on..i hope with u guys around, it can be more exciting and more crazier haha! What about u guys especially zc and xr, i hope u two can update your life back in miri....Hope to hear from you all soon =D

p/s: 2moro pirates party is actually gonna be the 1st time 6 of us gather together since last semester! Can't wait for it =D

Saturday, March 19, 2011










3-6点的214课~我上到4点就赶上4.10pm的inti van回家了~(因为我男友sms来叫我5点就要在家~因为5.45pm就要出发去~)






























对了~我们另外还点了~"white sand" 和 "bekini xxx"~忘记什么名了~大概大概吧~



那个white sand~感觉就是汽水嘛~不是很喜欢喝~=(

但是2杯都是我喝最多~=( (之后的结果就是一直上不停厕所~=.=)

Bingo的1 set RM12~我们买了一套~3张~刚刚好一人一张~=)


Week 3 just passed away without us realizing it.....week 4 is gonna be a hectic 1, law test for zc, xr and kw, assignment due for me and zc (203), KL trip for jw, so the free and ntg-to-do ppl is SL.... nt to forget that we are having our stupid replacement class on saturday as well... thx to the Donald T. I think we'll probably be seeing him and his family in the coming pirates ahoy event. I'll blog abt that sooner or later, nt going further into this.....

Our dear jw was absent for no reasons, she skipped the fin215 class on wednesday too, reason for being so was she wanted to go on a night cruise trip with her bf, she somehow dares to get out of the class while the lecturer was in the middle of teaching :\. Impressive. I've asked her to update on her miserable night cruise trip. Hopefully she does.

Anyway, just to conclude the previous week, ntg special for us just another boring week, we went out on friday after econ 200 class, was pretty boring of coz thx to those weird weird graphs. We went for queensbay mall after that, parking was horrible that day, SL and i had to double parking, she was blocking my car so i've asked her to drive and she did !!! XD Headed to queens and had the "mat tou yao" dessert, tried on a very weird vegetarian stall, attempted on their mushroom burger, taste was decent except for its price. Fking exp okay, i rather go buy some potassium salt !!! The 2 girls(SL and XR) had some weird noodles and chili dumplings...went daiso afterwards.....and we turned this.............
Xr looks like a fly, 苍蝇,哈哈哈哈哈哈
I look like a weird aunty with weird eyes and lips :\
I supposed this spec has magnifying effect, our faces look bigger than usual......
Looking forward to tuesday's pirates ahoy............

Friday, March 18, 2011

Funny quotes

Saw these funny quotes on fb posted by my frens, tot of sharing it:
1)Yo momma so fat even Bill Gates couldn't pay for her liposuction!
2)Yo momma so fat when she gets on the scale it says "To be continued."
3)Yo momma so dumb she took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept.
4)Yo momma so dumb that she puts lipstick on her head just to make-up her mind.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The legendary vid is finally up

So after few weeks, i've finally done with the video updating, due to the stupid earthquake happened in jap, the connection was fucking lag recently, couldnt upload to fb nor this blog, anyway, its on u tube now, due to the settings, u must copy and paste the link in order to view the video. Enjoy !


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hey, it's the 3rd week!!!

As the title suggested, this week is our 3rd week of this semester. To our surprise, all the visiting lecturers seems to come much early this semester =X Last week, it was finance 203, while the week after next week gonna be account 250 @@ It's definitely a culture shock for us...

Talking about last week VL, was shocked when he came in coz we expected an ang mo don't we?! Mana tau he's a singaporean, which my only impression on him was that he keep saying "bloody hell...blablabla bloody hell blablabla" The rest of his teaching i don't really pay attention, coz he just crap a lot and on the 1st day he took like almost 1hr to introduce himself and the subject "Finance" Zzzzz....No wonder our jia wen said for his class, we can actually come 1hr late yet we don't miss any of the syllabus ;D

Talking about jia wen, here's some picture i would like to share with u all was the 1st day of VL, 5-9pm...towards the end of the class, everyone is exhausted, tired, and most importantly HUNGRY!!! Our jia wen cannot hold it anymore, therefore, she curi curi eat in class LOL She was trying to hide the portuguese tart under the table while our beloved Mr. Johnny was teaching infront...Bad girl bad girl lol!!!

Have to cover the face to protect the culprit =X

The Portuguese tart =O

See, even the VL want to squeeze and cekik jia wen for eating during his class =X

And for this week, i can't help but falling asleep for 250 class AGAIN!! He's surely the best sleeping pill ever ;D And how dare he replaced our initial tuesday class to saturday next week, due to horror fest!!! The worst thing was he said he gonna discuss with us and come to a conclusion that satisfy all of us....but, out of nowhere, he suddenly announced "WE had decided to change our class to saturday" well, i would prefer he used the word "I"...But, anyhow, because of his decision, we might as well consider going to horror fest again?!

And since the earthquake and tsunami happened in Japan, people here are also facing poor internet connection and some of us can't even access to our blackboard for our unit materials. And we experienced poor connection when we facebook, play game etc. But, seriously we need to thanks God for we're safe!!! This little thing of poor connection is nothing compare to the suffering of those Japanese! Let's pray for them....

Good night my buddies!!! I'm going to watch my favourite TVB drama now...the night is still young WOOooooHOOooo LOL!!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Im so dead

As title suggested, im so dead coz im having another visiting lecturer for this coming week, i think im the only student in inti penang that is taking these 2 bloody subjects together, still barely can recover from last week's tiredness, and yet now again, fuck curtin.

The awesome part is they arrange the visiting lecturer to teach in 2 days, which means a 6hrs lecture will be conducted on a particular day, which makes it 12 hrs in total. Im definitely skipping friday's class due to clashes and for not getting myself over-worked. I could suffer from fatigue for going this class at the morning and econs 200 in the afternoon. Our great Zc said that hes not going for any classes conducted by this visiting lecturer. Cool. Having too much visiting lecturer in a short period of time is bad for ur health :\

The time consume is like from day to evening, whats the different from working ? The only diff i could think of is, i pay curtin to buy those visiting lecturers to torture me and instead of getting paid. I seriously don understand the real aim behind for asking a visiting lecturer to teach such an easy subject (like a recap of wat we did in secondary school ?) Those visiting lecturers are so bloodily free like no tomorrow. I guess im having another hectic week toying with them, yet, i still need to spare some time for getting my assignments done, i deserve a long long rest after that, looking forward to our china trip at the end of this year. On a side note, i found some small change of ren min bi, like RMB 3.30 ? XD XD XD

Sunday, March 13, 2011


  一个星期又过去了,总结下 这两个星期来 感觉什么都还没学到...一个星期也就2天的课 以至于感觉每天都在holiday一样~最勤奋的事就是 每天都在 MY SHOP~~哈哈哈哈哈哈....
  这星期最大的新闻就是 日本大地震了!!!每天都在关注着, 看着那些画面觉得好可怜哦~~而且,日本 一会又是核泄漏,一会又是火山爆发...感觉真的又在看“2012”  或者什么灾难大片的feel~~ 2012真的会到来么??......那就只有珍惜现在咯~
  原谅我写的很简短~~因为一星期就2天课 其他时间都在MY SHOP上,PPS 或者看新闻上的人 一星期的感触不多不多~~对了~ 讲到PPS 自从我看完“鱼跃在花见”以后 好想吃寿司啊~~哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。。。。还有什么好看的drama啊~ 大家推荐下吧...

Friday, March 11, 2011


第一科: Acc 260
是我们SOBA head的老公~
Inti van最迟一趟是6.10pm啊~


第二科: AIS 204

尤其是mid-sem test和final~=(


第三科: Finance Principle 215
这科~SL, KW, Ken和我一起拿~


第四科: Micro 200
幸好第二个星期用新的~(还是新旧都一样?! =.=)




Thursday, March 10, 2011







Monday, March 7, 2011


一眨眼,第一个星期就这样过去了。。大家觉得如何啊??XD 相信在课堂上,闷,昏,累,饿,这些字眼是离不开的话题。。哈哈!!

哎,明天就要上这sem第一个 visiting lecturer 的课堂。。。finance 215 =(

真不懂,为何这次 VL 会那么快来 @.@ 弄到老师们都十分混乱,急忙,甚至,我相信有些学生到这一刻都还不知道明天是有课的呢。。。

说起那些学生,实在是离不开我们的六妹啊!!!今天下午,上网着,突然,灵光一闪,想起kw应该是不知道明天的课堂,但本人又不大确定,就只好给她发短讯。。。果然,她的回复是 OMG which subject? ~~昏~~ 好在,最后,终算通知了她!!

这第一个星期,请不要问我在课堂上学到了什么,老师又教了什么。。。基本上,我不这么听课。。无法专心,都怪,有你们这班死党在我左右 XD。。。谈着天,聊着话。。。哈哈哈!!但,对我来说,这才是大学生涯。。。充满欢乐的,微笑的,开心的。。。大家,千千万万不要轮落到零零一那样!!!!!可悲 =(

最近,大家也似乎迷上 fb 里 My Shops 这game!!! 注意:”大家“是指我们这里几位而已。。ken, jw, me and xr!!! xD 真要"多谢"ken让我们一个两个都addicted!!!! =X 正在争得你死我活的,哈哈,必要赢得这场游戏!!! LOL!!! 实在是让我想到,要是我在读书或考试方面,有这样一个奋斗与精神, 该多好 =)

好啦,就写到这里为止。。。第一次用华文来表达。。如有任何错字,请原谅, 毕竟,本人华文水准一向来不这么好,加上应该是有3年多没写华文字了。。哈哈!! 有很多字,讲得出,可就是type不出来 XD

p/s: 希望,明天的课不会闷。。。4小时,太长了吧,观音菩萨保佑, 早放。。。早放。。。早放~~

Sunday, March 6, 2011



















Saturday, March 5, 2011

Random Post (4/3/2011)

Today was rather a very unlucky day for zc, he sprained his left leg, might be losing his handphone and jammed while going for badminton. The story begins with the badminton session, he tends to use the balik pulau road to paya terubong for the badminton session, bt apparently got caught up with the jam and had to detour to another road. Our beloved jw suddenly 'something' wrong and decided to give up on the badminton session, had to ask my student to come over and take over her place. I brought some of the stir fried korean glass noodles which i cooked earlier the day for them to test on, the taste was okay according to them. Quite satisfying.

Back to the badminton session, it was our first time for asking kelvin's gf--cecilia to join over. She was quite good, the couples were playing with each other, until................zc sprained his leg. Shu ling and xr had to team up to play with kel and ceci, while i on the other hand, punished the two foolish idiots for challenging me XD

After the badminton session, we headed home. 1 hour later, (on the msn), we decided to head for lolipot steamboat in bay avenue due to xr and me are being abit heaty and we cant afford to have more fried food. Arrived quite early and waited for like 15 mins b4 the couple arrived. I had tonnes of abalone slices and beef XD, yum yum.....After the bill, we left. I received a call immediately after i paid the parking fees, xr called. She was asking if im interested in having some icy cold dessert, then i was like ok, im fine with anything. They then followed my car and we left to "mat tou yau" in jelutong market. Had the milk version. Zc told me after we are homed, that he lost his handphone. Its really been a bad day for him, story was too long to write, but after we analysed the situation, his phone has a very high possibility of remaining in his car, bt he just couldnt find it, well, thats why hes in bad luck. The couple went to sleep, sl, jw and i are competing with each other in a facebook game introduced by kelvin, damn, its addictive. I shall join back the war then, till then....bye.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Random photoshooting session

Had a really really random photo shooting session today, everyone was like so confused and blur about the posture, and everyone was like so tired, we might be affected by kw and jw. Finance was okay yesterday, the lady lecturer was quite ok, i felt that she looks like shuen, her height, her voice etc....So far i think this is my favourite subject out of the 4....anyway, here are some interesting shots of the day:
Featuring kw, jw and sl....too bad xr and zc werent here due to zc was late as a results from mountain hiking....and coincidentally, it was wednesday, which means its PASAR MALAM day !!! yay, mroe yong tau fu and other yum yum stuff......found some treassure that day near pasar malam area, i think its the best satay i've ever tasted so far, i think its brilliant to give their customers some bread to dip the sauce, this is a very smart move as the bread will absorb the essense of the satay sauce and blend together with the crispy texture of the bread. The tom yum was pretty decent too, the taste was rather same as the 1 found in raja uda, u are allowed to choose any ingredients u like and add it into ur are below so that i can let our members to envy on us XD

Thursday, March 3, 2011


2011年3月3号                                                                                                        天气 晴

  早上起床,吃了点早餐 打开电脑 上来看BLOG,感觉现在的生活每天都很开心 很幸福 发现时间都过得好快 转眼都过了1年 不过正因为这样也会让我想起刚来的时候......
  记得半年前,每天都感觉到不开心 常常都很怀念MIRI的朋友 也真正的让我体会到了 朋友是多么值得去珍惜... 每天都自己上课 自己下课,原以为自己找到了属于自己的朋友 可是.....
每天走进教室 发现大家都是一群一群的 自己是一个人 很难加入他们 所以常常怀疑自己原来所做的决定是对,还是错。我有试过很努力的加入 不过人家也很冷漠的回绝..自己很伤心..可是我的伤心能给谁说呢~~每天都试着加入他们 可是每天都进不去 因为自私的人永远都想把你拒之千里....每次到分group的时候 自己心里都非常的不明白 和伤心 总是会有一个人来问你 我们已经是一个group 你没有朋友吗? 我很好奇 难道我们不是朋友吗...就这样 过去了一个学期...
  下半年 要开学的前一天 自己完全不能入眠 因为就要进入让自己没有温暖的地方..不过 我也非常非常非常非常感谢 那个我很讨厌的自私的人...谢谢你帮我的“推销”让我结识到了自己来的penang 真正的一群朋友........因为她的推销让我进入了一个 我以为我进不去的小集体~~
  记得我们的第一次discuss完后 我们去吃了burger king,来到了那个“三根香”的地方....那时你们都在拍照 我当然还是默默地站在旁边...接着你们叫我一起照相...回家后 我超级的开心 因为是我第一次和朋友之间的互动吧......慢慢的我进入了你们的活动....记得上次 去SL家 我们准备去爬山, 那次在楼下我们在聊天 我第一次把我心里的话说给了你们听...kw说过要是她他一定会哭..我只是笑笑....其实在家我已经不知道是多少次哭过...(偷偷的告诉你们 其实我常常是个爱哭鬼 哈哈 性情中人~~)
  我结识了你们 jw ken sl kw...真的很珍惜你们 因为有了你们才有了我的开心和快乐~不要说肉麻哦 其实一点也没有 因为这都是我真实的想法....希望这个blog 可以一直记录着 我们的成长~~~

最后我想说~~猪鼻子 你的自私只会让不喜欢你的人更恶心你 喜欢你的人变讨厌你,你不需要骄傲 永远你要相信 一山还比一山高!!!btw.........非常非常非常非常非常...谢谢你 让我结识了我们好朋友们!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Overall, today was quite an okay day, well...not too boring nor much exciting i guess...

It all started with me arriving late for my 215 class, and as usual, there's not even a small parking lot available nearby for my pathetic tiny kelisa =( And no choice, i've to park at the opposite of the school (Bukit Jambul Hill)! My 1st time ever parking over there! T___T I was so happy that time coz i thought the place at least acts like a consolation prize compare to having park at the hostel which require a lot of walking. But, then, I'm so WRONG!!!!!!

Entering into 215 was quite a shocking too, coz all the while i thought our lecturer is a guy but then it turns out to be a skinny, lion like ladies standing over there LOL!!!! And according to Ken, she looks like mr.chiam (inti's HRM). Couldn't agree more! Her class was ok overall, it's juz her voice it's quite soft and monotone XD But, still, since she's the only female teacher i had this sem, so, i think i can't complain much >.<

After class, went for some random photoshooting with ken, kw, jw and vivian...Was quite lame and direction-less that time, since jw was so tired, kw was refusing to take pic bcoz she thinks she's not in a good state that time LOL and i was actually out of idea what to pose or where to take xD (note: I'm not a poser lohhhh haha) Anyway, we still snap here and there while waiting for the china couple to come...Coz the more the merrier, and it's like ages, 6 of us didn't gather together =X Haizzz...but, 没缘份就是没缘份! Somehow, the couple is late and we all go separate way after that! Zc, jw and kw attended their class while me, xr and ken headed to pasar malam...

And then here it's where my nightmare comes @@! Since i park at BJ earlier, i had to cross the busy's really dangerous and i nearly loss my life LOL! And then there's this pizza hut flyer in my front rear window...waste my 人生五秒钟 to take it down! XD (And few seconds ago, i only realize this is the act of our 周辰哥)Naughty him Hahahaha! After that another nightmare came, there's something wrong with my seat belt and i can't seem to pull it out, it just stuck there (1st time in my life, too many 1st time today LOL) I think i wasted my 人生五分钟 here xD! Then, the biggest headache starts, since the road is so busy i can't cross over to the other side....another few minutes were wasted for i've to make a U turn at another exit! Sounds like a took my whole life here XD

The funny part is i'm suppose to sms ken they all when i arrived my home, then only they will start their journey to my house, where we'll go to pasar malam together! 谁知道,当我sms他们时,他们已在 econsave 了 @@" How the heck did they arrive around the same time as me since i depart 1st?! Anyway, we headed to pasar malam for dinner and according to ken, we had somehow found the best satay in Penang! It was finger lickin good! =D And after that, not to forget our 酿豆腐...standing there eating, sweating and talking! Yummy Yummy! The End...

p/s: why all the lecturer seems to talk about burger these day! Giving examples using burger la, hamburger la, 汉堡包 la @@ 3 lecturers out of 4, that's too many!!!!! Come on, we're already tired and hungry attending all the classes, don lure us anymore XD

Note: 1st week had just finished, seriously, i haven had the feeling that i would like any of the subjects @@ For me, all of them just so-so (different feeling with all the past semesters) . But, why? Bcoz of the subjects itself, the lecturers or my own problem?? well, judge it yourself then...

This picture was taken on 23-3-10. Horrer Fest!!!! And the main thing is all the while i knew i had capture ms.leon inside but now only i realised ah tang was inside too haha... Roarrr!!!! i think they can't wait to enjoy the food hehe!!

6 of us =D

Okay, since this blog is specially dedicated to 6 of us, therefore, needless to say i'll have to introduce ourselves to all the beloved readers out there LOL!

OH YA, keep in mind, this would b a total crap post, i'll be talking alot of nonsense, which i'm famous of =D, so if u guys think it's annoying, pls NAVIGATE from this page RIGHT NOW!!!! ;D

The story goes like this....从前, once upon a time XD, there's this 6 strangers born in different years (1988, 89, 90) and different countries and state (China,Penang, Perlis etc). And ermmmmm....the rest is history LOL!!!!! okay wat, don't expect me to give u all the details, we need Privacy k!!!!!!! XD

Anyhow, the main thing is they somehow chooses to study in Inti Penang, taking the infamous "Curtin program"...and tada this is how their friendship starts! Let's introduce all the main actor and actress shall we =)

1st up, Jia Wen, my 大姐, come from Perlis! She's a nice person to hang out with thought there's a hugh age gap btw us lol but somehow we manage to infiltrate into each other life haha!! So, i don't really know who's having issue here, it's either she's too childish or i'm too mature =X But, i would choose the former of coz =) Oh Gosh, and mind u guys, she's a SPAMMING QUEEN, she can spam your facebook day and night ALLEHLUYA!!

And with her spamming ability, she has so far won so many recognition and prize all over the world!!! Not kidding k!!! Her 1st prize was an iphone due to her spamming in infoyana =X...Anyhow, i certainly welcome u to spam my fb coz it's really brighten my day HAHA! And thought she's the oldest of us, and you guys will surely think, she should b the one making decision or controlling us...nah, then, you're wrong, basically she's the one that always kena bully and "zat"!!!! And the best part is she's never angry no matter what we, it's really good to have you around, jw!!!!!!

Next up, Zhou Chen, my 二哥, from Nanjing, China...which is from my home LOL! He's a very helpful person, u can approach him with your homeworks or any assignments and i'm sure he's willing to help =) Anyhow, girls outhere, he's oredy taken by my 狮子座 三姐 RoaRRRRRRR!!!!! So, be careful to keep at least 3 metre away from him ;D And here are some of his tagline which i would like to quote here, such as "没问题" "都可以" XD Seriously, whenever u ask him where should we hangout to? or should we eat this or eat that, he will reply you with his so called tagline @@

Plus, i'm really impressed with his recent dedication towards gym and exercising!!! How i wish i could be like him =( Anyway, too bad, this semester, i don't even have a subject same with him but thanks God we still able to hangout or go badminton whenever we want hehe...I hereby wish you 减肥成功!!!! Gambateh!!!!

Here come my 三姐,Xiao Rong! She's from Guiyang, China! Haha, sure many 贵人 overthere lo (Dr. Tang, 2011). My friendship with her are abit complicated lol...we took exactly the same subjects during our 1st sem in curtin, but surprisingly, we never talk nor we exchange smile lol! My 1st impression on her was she's those quiet type and hard to mix around those kind. And not to mention her eyes, it's big that it frightened me >.< (I'm timid ma T.T) So, basically, for that whole semester, i don't dare to have eye contacts with her XD....

And who noes time flies, and during semester 2 we're assigned to the same group for mgt subjects! And Tada...from there onwards, our friendships grew closer! And somehow i have many similarity with her, like she's a leo too, and she like to sleep late and wake up in the afternoon (coz whenver i told my frens i wake up in the afternoon, they said i'm a freak and abnormal T__T) And both us are fans of PPS. Trust me, she watch TVB dramas too...A china gal watch cantonese drama..weird not?!

And here is Ken, my 四哥, but somehow i feel like he's more to my 四姐! 他比女人还要女人, haha, this is wat me and kw agree to sometimes =D Don't ask me why?! Maybe it's just because he can cook and like know a lot of ladies' things?! (LOL! sounds pervert) And i knew him the longest out of the rest, this year would be our 7th years friendships...So, somehow more like a sister to me haha! He's the organizer of our team, he will come out with all sort of plans like where to eat, what to do...Therefore, with him around, boredom basically wouldn't occur =)

He's the main driver of us too...he will drive us around Penang island to search for interesting food and places! Sometime, i feel paiseh also coz he's the one who always fetch us...But, then, he's oso the main culprit where my pocket money getting lesser and lesser RoAARRRRR!!!!! XD It's just to many 诱惑 from him "eh, there's this good food here, let's go try later" =( Overall, he's a nice friends to all of us, i do cherish our friendships...I bet things wouldn't b the same again after you go to Aussie!

Allehluya, my dear princess turns XD! Kai Wen, my 六妹!!!! She's like the best friends i ever had...i mean she's a really good friends, whenever u got problem, she will definitely lend her hands, especially regarding assignments. She somehow has the spirit " I'll help u 1st, before i settle my own thing" =D I dono what to say about her...she's my 贵人!!! She really help me a lot in my studies, without her i bet my results would b so sucks LOL!

I still remember my 1st encounter with her...It was in foundation and when i 1st saw her, i was like, eh, this girl is a left handed too...and moment after that class finish, she turns around (she sits in the front row)...and ask, "how do we actually look at this timetable?"....And of coz the rest is history again HAHA! And this semester, we're actually getting lesser subjects together =( and our time of hangout oso getting lesser =( Somehow we see each other less and talk less, but deep in my heart, we knew our friendships never change! Oh btw, she's getting prettier and prettier!! i guess she wanna abandon the so called immature look hmmm....

Well, that's the end of my version of stories regarding my buddies!! Told you'll already wat, it's full of crap!!! Hehehe...Well, as for my part, i'll let the 5 of u to say, judge and elaborate haha...

p/s: for this moment, we should seriously cherish our friendships coz we dono what might happen the next moment right =D CheeeerrrrrsSSSSS!!!!!!!


2011年3月11号 星期二    天气:晴

今天 过了我想"SHI" 的一天..从早上11am 上到 晚上9pm...
昨晚由于steamboat吃太多 不消化 早上6点就起床了..

1  .首先已经教室找KW,找啊找啊 找不到。 最后发现KW 居然换发型了..虽然她说像AUNT,不过我觉得还好啦。。(PS: kw 记住头发湿湿的时候卷起来 干了以后拉散开来哦)

2. 上课后半截 发呆中....慌神中....空白中.....


1. 传说中的“色伯伯”进来了(还迟到了20mins)。

2. 暂时还没发现“伯伯”的色。 可是.........: “伯伯”啊,你就不能大声点吗..“伯伯”啊,好想问你,你需要喉糖吗??!!??!!!!(PS: 为什么声音沙哑成这样了)

3. “伯伯”好像说了好多中文,可是我都不太能听的懂...(PS:是中文吗??还是.......本人学术尚浅....额....?)

4.我的重大发现:“伯伯”是从中国北京~~漂流~~在马来西亚的,马来人~~“伯伯”有着非常好的 儿化音.... “marketing儿" (还有几个词我不记得了 下次记起来)~~翘舌小超人~


1. 忐忑小超人~表情 肢体 语言~~“昂昂昂”~~~~  =.="""""""""""""""

2.(大家去看ken的 《耳无宁》吧)

3.当SL 给我讲她很饿的时候, 我总觉得.....Dr.T**g~~怎么看,怎么像一个...........“汉堡包”(i m so sorry~ 忘记告诉大家 这是“色伯伯”教的.......原音重现:  ~~~
                                                                                            Dr.L: “汉堡包...."
                                                                                            Dr.L:"that is hamburger..."
                                                                                    (PS: "伯伯"的中文老师 是中国人..)

4.下课后,大家纠结的心理活动........无语中带着担心~担心中带着无语~........(for lecture 无语..for pass250 担心..)

Finally, 上课时 想睡~~下课后 精神~~~OVER

哈哈 大家兔年吉祥~~