Sunday, April 10, 2011

Door of hell is opening soon....

It's been a long time i din come and visit our blog, was darn busy last week, with test and oso mkt assignment....

But, i think all those were still handleable, wat horrible is the coming week...micro test on friday, acc 250 on sat and fin 215 again on wed....hell shit!

Well, some might agree, it's normal to have test big deal....Well, i agree but wat scare me to hell is accounting 250...i mean except it's an accounting subject, i dono any hell about the subject itself ZZzzz....I can predict tat i'll b very very stress for the coming days...i need songs, foods, dramas to destressssss!!!!!!! LOL!!!!

Anyway, the only good thing tat happen is i've finished 99.9% of my mkt assignment (still need to print out and paste some pictures)...Broke my own record, 1st time ever finish way before the dateline (Tuesday). Turnitin juz now, and got 23%...and i think still in a safe position since the colour is still green =) Anyhow i changed some and submit for the final version, but too bad under final version only lecturer will know the similarity index...

Here is a picture of what happened to my desk on the 1st day of doing mkt assignment =X

Dove~Dove~Dove and Dove ZZzzz....and all kinds of brochures! haha...damn messy....

p/s: what pissed me off on turnitin was...our shampoo name is "Dove Damage Therapy Intensive Repair Shampoo"....and coincidently it's a total of 6 words, oso kena plagiarized ==" Even all the subheading oso LOL! Seriously, improvement is needed on their system xD

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