Thursday, September 24, 2020


 由于昨天做了52个Jompay bill payment花了我接近2小时时间~ 也看到👀🌸🌸了~ 所以把同事们update了的东西延迟了~ 今天一去公司就把昨天延迟的都给搞定~ 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

今天一整天都好忙~ 忙着做昨天的PTP excel pmt~ 忙着发email给CE让他们approve pmt~ 忙着做昨天accidentally把token的*数字*给放到amount那里了~ 被老板发现~ 还被TL骂~ 什么嘛~ 52个transactions~ 我要按52次x2,也就是说我需要按104次的token咧~ 😓😓😓 

好吧~ amt错就是错~ 我只好认命了~ 😔😔😔

老板出来问谁可以cancel时,我就说了TL名字~ 结果TL误会我跟老板说说是她做的~ 😒😒😒 是不是孕妇就*大晒*~ 就可以误会人不说对不起呢?😫😫😫 算了吧,没有对不起我也不会少一块🥩~ 我应该快快把这些*负能量*忘掉~ 忘掉~ 忘掉~ 

重做把对的amt写好了再发email让老板批~ 还要检查昨天发给CE的pmt哪个还没批,又再发次提醒~ 然后就做Tax罚款滴~ Tax罚款是和Tax Installment一样~ 连entity code也一样~ 只是月份那里就改成99~ 只有2个entity~ 不懂是不是系统不接受超过1亿的数字~ 所以我又要头痛怎么没有出现~ 😢😢😢 问了一声TL~ 被赶去吃午餐~ 看看时间一下,哇😯 已经1点了~ 😓😓😓 忙起来还真忘了时间~ 😂😂😂

今天带了🍎🍐蓝莓,还有蓝莓优格去公司~ 所以我的午餐就这些~ 哦对了,同事还给了我一杯*增肥水*(就是甜🉐要死像橙汁又不像橙汁的橙汁)~ 妈呀,我在减肥!减肥!减肥!只能怪自己👄贱! 😖😖😖

吃完回去再看那1亿还是没出现~ 🙈🙈🙈 跟TL商量后决定一分为二~ 终于出现啦!当然当中TL还跟我小争吵~ 因为她说ssc email没有收到1亿email~ 我当然懂啊~ 可是那email是系统自己发滴~  我哪懂呀?!做完发给老板批,老板当然也*训咧*(广东话) 问了为什么一分为二~ 我也照实话实说~ 

不久之后就忙Edu Trademark,6间entities+每一间都有EUR & USD~ 所以总数就是我又必须做12次啦!这个还在不用我自己算WHT~ 因为TL都会算便便~ 而我只需要换算成马币就行~ 🤗🤗🤗 做完发给老板,老板居然回我可以给高层批了~ 老板啊老板,🈶4间amt不会很大哟~ 给高层的话,他应该会来询问我一下下了呀~ 所以我只好又回复那email说🈶4个entities是需要您批一下滴~ 😉😉😉

忙完又要检查CE批了没,又要去忙PTP Excel~ 忙完PTP,又快快去提交SST~ 弄完SST~ 我去检查了一下,老板您怎么少批一个呀?! 不管了,其他3小(6小才对)快快发给CE批~ 这次没想到第一个批的是Roselyn~ 😍😍😍 其他的~ 我放工还没批~


第一天记录做工日~ 怕自己记性不好~ 记录下来,以后可以看回~ ☺️☺️☺️

Saturday, March 21, 2020


不知不觉~ 我不再是一个人~
感触~ 我有点年纪了呢~
我的网名也就是梦之星~ 哈哈哈~
好吧~ 在谷歌的帮助下~
第一个是梦之星~ 但是~ 怎么看都不梦幻呀~
达浪~ 第二个~ 梦蝶之星~ 熟系感就这么滴强烈~
看回以前写滴~ 我自认写不出以前那些了呢~
但是~ 我对于我的Email一片空白呢~
第一个让我想到的是你~ 对,就是你~ 因为你给我的印象是无所不能的~
可惜~ 你应该是玩game或睡着了吧~
达浪~ 就想到那个给我第一印象很丑滴人~ 哈哈哈哈~ 他也懂~ 因为我跟他说过~ XD
找到了~ 终于的终于~ 幸好当时候我放2个email~

太迟了~ 人生嘛~ 只能向前看~ 哪有什么向后看的呢?
人~ 就真的只能回忆了~
从2007年青涩时候~ 到现在青年时候? 哈哈哈哈~ 经历了什么?
2007-2020, 13年~
我渐渐地~ 觉得~ 人生真的要好好珍惜当下拥有~
生命就是全部~ 现在只能爱自己~ 还有~~~~小J啦~ 哈哈哈~XD

Saturday, July 21, 2012



时光飞逝,不知不觉来到了degree最后一个学期。学到了什么,别问,因我连基本的的Debit, Credit也不是很懂,不是夸大,也别质疑,这是铁一般的事实。。。好在,基本算数如下我还是懂地:

(RM2350 X 4) + RM250 = RM9650
RM9650 X 6 = RM57,900    (相信大家都知道这是什么一回事 T___T)


15/7/12 星期天

基本上可以说这是最没有开学前夕感觉得一次,以往可能会带点兴奋或期待,可是这次就是完全没有。。还一度忘了明早是有课的 =.="

晚上时刻,跟xr聊着聊着,还介绍她一个可以直接在网上看TVB剧的网站,不用下载 (都是我们的最爱) 结果,她跑了去看“飞虎”, 哈哈!!还真不好意思,竟然在开学前夕介绍那么样的东西,可是我觉得xr是肯定不会上瘾的,哪像我。。哎。。。=(

当晚,凌晨2时刻左右,我发现有两只夜猫也是还没睡, 名为jw和xr, 都不懂这些女人在干什么。但结果不必多说,当然是我这位夜猫王胜出,接近4时刻才入眠,呵呵!!

16/7/12 星期一


8am - 没迟到的我,在等电梯时遇到了刚到的kw,hy and cc. 一个多月没见的hy似乎瘦了,皮肤也稍微黑了,呵呵。。可是,黄小姐就是要坚持说自己其实是肥了,穿外套的目的也只为了遮肥肉。。。哎,我说瘦,她却说肥,所谓年龄有差距,就是有代沟,可能就是这意思! xD
第一节课,Finance (International), 班上人数40左右,教师是Mr. B, 大伙儿有拿过 Derivative Securities的都对他不陌生。。。老样子,教着教着,他的汗也滴着滴着,可我们却冷到像雪条一样,有两位小姐还要憋这她们的尿,正辛苦。在此提醒人家们千万不要憋尿,免得膀胱受损啊。。。


终结来说,不懂是太早的关系,大家都没睡醒,还是Mr. B教书素质差了,还是这科目闷过DS, 总觉得他的课没以前那么好,而且还蛮闷的,一些战友也是那么认为。。。

11am - 下课,实在太高兴了,终于有得回家眠一眠,只有4小时因为下午还有一节课,真是要我的命 T__T 结果,睡了两小时多,醒来整个人还是虚脱一般,无精打采。。。

3pm - 一眨眼,又到了第二节课 Asian Management. 明明去学校之前有望了望是在什么班的,可是半路驾驶时仿佛得了老人痴呆症,就是记不起!马上发了个短讯给jw询问,可是正如我所推测她又没看见了 ZZzzZ 到了学校,只好打给xr, 那位小姐说她才要出门,奇迹,我还以为我又是最迟的那位呢,哈哈!

AM是我四科里面,人数最多的,因该有60左右,教师也不陌生,那就是 YKK. 这课连MM的学生也有拿,说真的,下次presentation都不知如何,面对他们还挺压力的。


一年没有给YKK教,似乎让我打开眼界,他的课为何突然那么有吸引力?幽默感也比Mr.B来得好。。可是,速度就快了点,有待改进!大伙儿有拿International和AM的都纷纷觉得AM的确教得比较好。。。也有可能AM这科目比较"活"吧,international有点"死" @@"

4.30pm - 不懂为何,没教完,就竟然早下课,如果接下来都是这样,就真的不值,因我得来回两趟,还真费汽油,费精神。。。

*到了傍晚,累得人不像人的我,又跑去睡觉了,哈哈!!醒来后,就去吃晚餐,这种睡吃,吃睡的生活,跟猪真的没什么分别 T__T。 过后,还收到了4-5个missed call, 还以为发生了什么大件事,原来是jj和xr同一时间打给我,询问jw明天生日的事情。xr原来在等我主持大局,哈哈!!又再一次说声不好意思,呵呵。。。*

5am - 由于隔天的课是在下午的,所以自然而然,我又搞到三根半夜才睡。。。

17/7/12 星期二

1.30pm - 起床,准备第二天课去。。。

3pm - 这一天,是要上Taxation, 满特别的课室,在LR201,肚子要是饿了,走几步就可到达食堂,哈哈。这课是我四科里面遇到人数最少的,25-30位左右,教师TCK, 没给他教过,可是在inti那么久了,都有听闻过他的消息,决不陌生。

*上这届课,我与kw就惨了,基本上整班就只有我们两是从来没拿过Tax的,很明显我们是出于下风,他一路教,我们就一路看到很多星星,问号 ZZzzZ*

5.30pm - 下课。还以为会很早放,才早那半小时,哎。。。由于,jw生日的是在傍晚6.30,我,kw, aenie 和 ws 只好在学校逗留,打发时间!上厕所,上网,上这个,上那个,种种种种!!!

6.45pm - 抵达Korean Cafe Gil, 当晚有12位出席,图片如下:

环境不错,满干净满舒适的,可是食物就真的很一般,尤其是叫了面类的朋友们都说跟自己在家煮的maggi mee还真像 =X

9pm - 当晚还有第二个地点那就是 Delicious@Straits Quay。主要为他们的甜点而来,所以看看我们的确叫了很多 @@"

总共9样,竟然要RM167!!! 真是很恐怖,大出血的一餐。。。大伙儿都说很腻而且重点是物不所值!!话虽如此,但我觉得我的 Peach Frangipane 还不错,味道适中,不会太甜, 可能主要是它是tart不是cake, 因这家的蛋糕都蛮甜的。但是,教训是下次一定要share-share,因为吃多又腻又肥,哈哈!!

由于大家都吃到要吐,都不想再吃了,身为一位不浪费食物的我当然又有鬼主意啦,呵呵!我建议大家玩游戏,输的当然是把桌上甜点给吃掉!!最终, kw建议了一项让大家笑翻的游戏,一整晚大家最"high"可是这环节了。要是谁开口说到“你”,“我”,“他”都要被罚吃桌面上剩下的蛋糕,任君选者 =DD 

结果,有好几位都不这么出声 =.=" 可是,搞笑的是有些一出声,就中招,哈哈!有些要逗人说话,害人反而害己!!当晚,胜出的莫过于kw和ws!那位小姐还是一开口就连中4-5次,还真可怜!大家都在想会不会是他们自己想吃,只是不好意思开口呢?哈哈。。。

11.30pm - 散会。。。的确是一个充满回忆的夜晚。。。

18/7/12 星期三

11.50am - 糊涂的我,也可能是太累,竟然在前一晚,set手机闹钟。。am变成pm, 好在我平时有个习惯就是还会set另外一个闹钟,就这样突然被惊醒过来 @@" 准备上DA课~

12.50am - 这个历史性的一天,我一定要记载下来,那就是我不但没迟到,而且还早到了10分钟!!xD 本以为kw和jw已经在班上了,二话不说就踏进了教室,我的妈,结果她们不在,班上也只有6-7只小猫,而且Dr. C也在班上。。。她用很奇怪的眼神看着我,我也很尴尬,微笑的看回她,心想她到底想怎样。。。突然,她杀出一句,you're from audit class one right? 我:er, ya?! (继续找我的座位) Dr. C: So, how's your audit? Did u pass? 我:er, ya, passed.....(继续找我的座位) xD 整个场面还挺“冷”的 =.="

1pm - 过后,当kw进入教室时,老师也问了她同一番话, 她的回复竟然是 Sure Passed LAHHH!!(带点高傲又搞笑的语气)!!! 结果,搞到全场笑翻,哈哈!!这课基本上人数是跟international大概一样,可以说类是同一班人。

老样子,闷得很!!!她放了些video给我们看,可我觉得毫无意义,睡意还更深!!!她还大赞上学期的童孩,说:"NO ONE failed in this subject, all passed, 100% passing, i'm so proud of them!!!!!!!" (我心想不懂她会怎么说audit =/)说到你们的video presentation也是如此,"they did so well you know, very professional, i'm really PROUD of them" 不是吹牛,她这个"proud"词还重复了好几次!!hmmm....那请问一下为何你们上次的分数还那么低呢??? 纠结~~

3.25pm - 明明都还没三点半,可她却说三点四十五了,你们可以下课。。。在一旁的zc也傻了,自言自语说才几点几点嘛!突然,然我回想起她之前所谓的 "early dismiss's rule",那就是只能早放15分钟。可能她要早放,又不好意思,所以只好说已经3.45pm了??@@"
Anyway, 管它几点,最重要就是下课了,第一个星期也就这样结束了!=DD

19/7/12 星期四



Friday, June 24, 2011

Our KL trip !!! Part 2

So i shall cont with day 3 and so,

DAY 3:
Day 3 was actually the most interesting day in our trip. Alarm was set at 9.30, so usual thing like day 2, breakfast then waited for zc's shitting session then we set off. Our 1st destination of the day was ampang. Targetting Ampang yong tau foo xD Took the train and we reached ampang after like 30mins. Was quite early and we were actually lost after we came out from ampang station, so we took cab again. LOL, talked malay to the driver and made him used the meter, it took us arnd rm5 to reach until the in front of the restaurant called Foong Foong ampang yong tau foo.

We took the most photos in this place during the trip xD, i was really lost and confused abt wat to order, so i paid attention to the aunty in front and just learnt from her wat to order, LOL. Zc said i looked like a regular customer xD, i think we ordered as much as 40+ pieces of yong tau foo and 4 bowls of white rice. None of us can finish the white rice except zc, LOL. Below are the photos we took on that day,

The yong tau foo comes in a rather big portion then the usual ones we can found in penang, bt the taste was just so so, and they were so oily that i had to wipe my mouth every 2mins, lol. So we proceed to some shoppings after the lunch session which caused us to walked out with a big tummy. Took cab again to this shopping mall called ampang point. Was quite small and the stuff sold inside was pretty much malay style. Jw bought a bolster, i think its abt angry bird and its orange in colour, never seen a pig holding a bolster b4 ? Ask jw to hold it for u to see. xD xD xD

Another fren of mine wants to meet me in sg wang, so we need to head off, the girls went to shop at Times square again while zc went back to hotel to shit, lol. So later i am done with my own stuff, i went to buy some bak gua as sourvenir to take back to penang, walked from sg wang to the shop called wing heong, according to my parents, their bak gua was very nice, so do the price :\ The most expensive bak gua was priced at rm90 per kg !!! Anyway, b4 i left from sg wang, i wanted to find a cab that drives me to in front of the shop mainly due to im walking alone myself and i donno the exact location. But, the funny part was every taxi driver refused to drive me after i've told them i wanted to go to buy products that made from pork !! xD, they just said: dekat saje, jalan la, taxi ni mahal. Nvm, they just saved me rm5 or rm10. LOL. Walked from sg wang and it took me 10mins bought a total of rm130 and bought some for zc too, he wanted to bring back for his aunty. So i cant afford to walk back from hotel coz its quite far from the place where i bought the bak gua, took cab again. Rm5 T.T. Reached hotel and we left for dinner.

I google-d the dinner arnd our hotel area back in penang b4, and i found theres actually a restaurant serving chong qing spicy hot steamboat in just behind our hotel so we went to try it off. They were serving buffet and a promotion of 3 person paying, free 1. So we divided the cost and its just rm21 for each person only. According to zc and xr, the steamboat was actually quite an authentic one, the best so far they've tried in Msia. Below is a pic showing the condition that night,

The chili oil side was the one, it wasnt spicy at all and there was some special aroma that u cant resist flowing from it. A slice of beef will do the trick, cant tell much except the few of us whom tried will know =) Also, check the couples out, they were wearing couple shirts that day xD

Headed off back to hotel after that, was quite a tiring day, our leg nearly broke off xD walked for like so damn long that day. Oh, i forgot to mention, we actually went to 2 restaurants for many times during the trip to KL. The 1st 1 being Gong Wo Tong, selling herbal tea and gui ling gao. The gui ling gao was damn exp, priced at rm8 each for small, we, me,jw and xr had it for 3 cont days, fearing pimples and heatiness in our body will raise xD, the 2nd 1 was snowflake, selling taiway style dessert, fking nice okay, the taroballs werent disappointing tho i don get to try it on the very 1st day. Price was okay, 6.50-7 each. It comes in a big portion. Basicaly that concludes our day 3.

DAY 4:
Day 4 was a rush one as bus back to penang was at 3.30pm, we asked the hotel to reserve a taxi for us at 2.15pm mainly due to the horrible experience b4 we set off in penang, chasing bus in the early morning, so we wanna spare some time this time for us, woke up at quite early, usual thing, breakfast>zc shit then we went to times square for more shoppings. I bought ntg for the past 3 days so i tot i might wanna get myself something today. Bought an addidas shoe at rm180, offer price. Wouldnt actually bought it if it wasnt having a promotion. Im stingy when it comes to this thing xD Boon siang called in between, i was told that their KL trip has been cancelled due to no body was interested in going KL, bt we were actually in genting in the same day !!! Anyway, we bump into a fair that sells branded stuff at a fairly low price. Looked arnd and i bought 2 shirts, zc bought 3 and jw bought a pair of jackets for herself and her bf. Off to lunch, lunch at a restaurant called 拾八风味 pretty much okay bt its rather similar to canton-i in queensbay mall, 3 of them had set lunch with rice and dish etc, i had wanton mee and some weird taste tze chuan chicken as side dish. Rushed to get the snowflake for the very last time b4 our departure. Had taroballs for the 1st time as i missed it when 3 of them had it on the very 1st night coz i went to meet with my fren.

Back to the hotel right after seeing the taxi we ordered arrived, we went back to the hotel and picked up our stuff and followed the taxi to corus hotel where aeroline is going to pick us up. Waited there for more than45 mins b4 we left. We were asked to wait at a waiting area in the hotel which we can choose to take some coffee and tea from the tea counter using our aeroline tickets and its FREE !!! Had some chit chat sessions then off we go !!! Going back to penang was smooth, stopping in a pit stop near taiping, we bought some fruits, zc bought laichi and jw bought longan, LOL. At arnd 8.30pm we arrived in penang, there goes our trip =D, in conclusion, it was a fun bt tiring trip, i wasted like nearly 1k in the whole trip, lol, like burning money T.T

Our KL trip !! Part 1

So apparently some of our members donno about our days and experiences in KL, shall share it here and as a "diary" for us to rmb wat had happened in KL. I shall start with the very 1st moment b4 we boarded on the bus............

DAY 1:
At around 7.50am, i fetched xr and zc then the nightmare begins.......the road was packed with millions of cars, like we were stucked at there for like half an hour, our bus was scheduled to take off at arnd 8.30am, so we were quite panic, jw was ad there as she was fetched by her bf, obviously sg. dua is nearer to queensbay. So we had to actually take the detour to pekaka then hopefully turned into queensbay, hoping that it shortens the time due to the long jam. Wat interesting was during the que to queensbay via sg. nibong, we found that the stupid aeroline bus was stucked there too !! I then faster cut and make it on top of the bus and finally, we arrived like 3 mins ahead of the bus. Phew, we made it thru the 1st hard time. In the bus was pretty much ntg, jw sat with me, and shes really a pig, she slept for like 3/4 of the whole 4.5hrs journey to KL. Aeroline provided us a breakfast but apparently it was just a bread with a ham attached to it. Drinks were coffee or tea. The whole trip was a pleasant one, the bus was equipped with a large LCD tv, screening karate kid and pirates of carribean. 4 channels of music just to sorta of like lullaby. Anyway, we arrived at KL shortly.

It was arnd 1.30pm we arrived at KL, in front of Corus hotel. Immediately we took cab coz we don wanna waste our time searching the lrt station with our heavy luggage arnd. The hotel or inn we are supposed to stay in was right behind Times Square, the taxi driver dropped us near the road, bt actually there was still some distance to the inn. So we walked and searched arnd the area with our heavy luggage. Found it like after a 10-mins walk. The inn was very comfortable. Checked in and zc and i were arranged to a lvl 3 room. They gave us a twin bed, LOL. Zc wasnt really comfortable with that so he requested to change the room to a double bed one, which was just beside xr and jw's room at lvl 1. So we were neighbours for the 4 days. After we threw our luggage aside, we went out for lunch. Lunch in Times Square was rather okay, we have no mood due to the long distance travelling has drained our energy. Simply ate at a hong kong style restaurant, i ate spaghetti, thats all i rmb. We then took lrt to KLCC just to buy our return ticket coz zc forgot to buy it in penang. We forgot to check the route and we stopped at a fking long lrt and we actually need to walk for like 20mins+ to reach there. Jw, xr and i were damn tired. Zc walks the fastest so he just asked us to stay cool in KLCC and he walks to the hotel where the aeroline counter was situated.

Suria KLCC was ntg, its just a mall with hell lots of branded stuff like coach, LV and other luxurious brands that we rarely seen in penang. Shop arnd while waiting for zc's return. Zc bought his nike shoes which costs him arnd rm330. Rich. We bought ntg. So theres ntg much, then we headed back, also mainly due to i wanted to meet with my fren in KL. Dinner was in Lot 10, a place full of food, just directly opposite to Sg. wang plaza. Had the "Kam Lin Kei" hokkien mee, taste was okay but the whole plate of noodles was full of pork lard, disgusting. Had congee too, rather hungry that time. The 3 of them were WOW, u can eat huh, we damn full ald LAAAAAAAAAAAAA. BUT, they had KFC as supper at night while i went out to meet with my fren, sean, in Ampang area. Took me like 45mins to reach there, FML. I reached hotel at arnd 1.30am, zc was ald asleep and he still need to open the door for me, poor thing =(.

Day 1 pretty much ended that way, oh, the girls had some shopping sessions in Times Square too, they bought some stupid slippers called flippers. Xr started bugging zc to put them on since that day, LOL......

Day 2:
Asked the hotel to give us a morning call at 9am, so we woke up so fking early coz according to our plans, we are supposed to go to Mr lim's palace, Genting. Had breakfast for the 1st time in that hotel, breakfast was fried bihun and some cakes. Zc opposed those cakes and quickly ate the bihun and he went to toilet. So the 3 of us waited for him like 20-30 mins for the toilet session, lol. Left the hotel and off to Pudu via lrt. We were shocked to find that the long que in the counter that sells the bus ticket to genting. Followed the que and waited for like half an hour. Bought the bus ticket which leaves at 12pm and the return ticket at 6pm for Rm9.60 per way. I think it was 11.30am that time, so we just did our own stuff and waited there b4 the bus arrives. The brainless bus driver actually driving at light speed. Jw nearly died in the bus, her face was so pale, LOL. I think she nearly throw out the breakfast we had that morning. xD I must say that jw has a very high fashion sense, she brought herself a grandma-aged-hat. Something like those ppl who had cancer wearing from wat we've seen in the HK drama, LOL. She fainted in the bus during the 1hr-ride. So we arrived at skyway, genting. The situation at genting skyway was like half of the ppl in genting was que-ing for the cable car. It took us more than half an hour to reach the cable car. The cable car ride was arnd 15-20mins, and we arrived genting at 1.45pm. Immediately we went for toilet and searched for restaurant to have our lunch.  Took a photo b4 we went off.

Had lunch in a rather chinese restaurant, I had char hor fun and 3 of them had knife-shreded noodles (刀削面), the waitress mistook the order from zc and jw which costs their noodles to ready later than ours in 20mins. So extra time in having lunch, we had arnd 2hrs for the casino part. We were then told that we can actually apply for our genting membership card at no cost at all. So 3 of us, zc, jw and me went for the application of the member card. I have no idea why xr doesnt wanna apply for 1. Anyway, it took us another extra 30mins again. 1.5hrs to gamble just too short for me =( considering the whole journey took us like 3hours+ to reach there and another 3hours+ to go back to KL. Lost rm200 for the jackpot machines, zc and xr lost rm30 total, and jw was rm10. Headed back to the cable car station and found that we were abit early so i went off to try the 1901 hot dogs. LOL. Enjoyed the privilegde of genting member, 10% discounts on the hot dogs xD Bought some tidbits in the skyway so we happened to enter a shop that sells tidbits.

We arrived in Pudu at arnd 7.30pm, went to petaling street and looked arnd for food. Saw tonnes of fake branded bags, tot of buying 1 for my mom. Went to the street across petaling street and we had the only hawker-food meal in KL during this trip. Jw was damn hungry, check the photo out.

After the dinner session, i headed back to the stall where i targetted the bag for my mom. Bargained and thx to xr for checking the quality out for me. My mom was quite satisfied with the bag bought that night. After we get all the things done, we headed back to hotel at 10pm. Bathed and i went out to the lobby to on9, rm0.50 for 10mins, quite a decent price for hotel, so i played for like 40mins, lol. Then 4 of us had some picnic session in our room, ate the chips zc brought here and the almond nuts i brought. Also those tidbits we bought in genting that evening. xr and jw had mask session too. Jw was too scary under that mask, lol. Should have taken a photo that time :\ Anyway, i shall cont to part 2 for day 3 and 4, its getting too long for a post, lol. Stay tuned.............

Monday, May 2, 2011

~ Happy Labour Day ~

名副其实的劳动节。。。本人,这星期的确是像一只牛一样拼命"劳动"。。。所以,今天,也给自己放了个 labour day ;D....什么 assignments, debate, case study 统统都没碰 ;D

好啦,华文用词到此为止 xD 要不然,几小时后都 type 不完 LOL!

It's tuiton free week this week, meaning it's holiday for all of us...but, i found my life doomed by marketing debate FML $#$%#^$!!!!!!!!!

On normal study day, i went to college for 3 days, but tadaaaa, it's holiday and i went for 5 days (including 2moro)! Shit Right?!

But, the only good news is i finished perdisco ;D Someone is still suffering overthere LOL! Anyway, i'm sure everyone will be having their honeymoon day, like a week back those taking micro 200, were rushing for assignmnet option 1, while i'm the only one choosing option 2...meaning it will be me, the one and only, doing the shitty 1500 words assign few weeks later =(

And talking about the debate, i'm totally speechless, my condition now is "helpless"...i knew i'm gonna faint from panicking tat day, i knew i'm gonna forget my point and going a...a...a...., i knew i can't help but looking at the paper and read once i start forgetting my point..haiz! But, anyway, i'll try my best...人生有多少十年 right?! LOL!!!

After this debate, i'll left only finance quiz 3 and micro 200 assignment before heading to the exam hall =X

Since already long time didn't update this blog, i shall crap more week, will be the 9th week, meaning we have already undergo 2/3 of this sem, left about 6 weeks plus before, i would say the REAL HOLIDAY coming =D

Currently the question evolved before final is, am i ready for my final?'s what i think...

Finance 215 - the WORST out of the 4 subject, in danger of failling! All i said is i need lotso LUCK! Coz with my own ability, it's really hard to understand

Accounting 250 - honestly, till now, talking about the syllabus i'm even blur-er than fin...never pay attention in class, particularly bcoz of the lecturer haiz!! Luckily, got perdisco...all i said is there's still hope for this subject lol

Microeconomic 200 - I would say 50-50 for this subject, the 1st 50% is overall the syllabus is not too hard to understand and talking about mid sem, i think it's still handleable...another 50% is the assignment is quite a tough one and final is known for it's difficulty!

Marketing 100 - I would say quite a relax subject compare to the others. As the final weightage only consists of 35%, to pass this subject shouldn't be a problem. As the lecturer of this subject is not too strict, so i foresee he'll be quite lenient in marking our Dove assignment ;D

Okay la, this is all i wanna said LOL! And pls, u guys come and update the blog la! I'm waiting for someone to write his or her interesting stories...even if 你今天拉了什么,吃了什么,或吐了什么。。。also update la!! HAhahahah....

Here are some picture to share with u guys:

Panda before makeover =D

Panda after makeover =X

Paging for the LADY above, please come and update this blog as soon as possible! Your cooperation is highly appreciated LMAO xD

p/s: 原来,我们的 blog 已两个月大了.....
p/s: Wish me luck for my debate and i shall see you all next week! Bye~

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

可恶的week 8~=(

原来最忙是week 8啊~
第一个: Week 7 的Micro mid sem test~星期五~15.4.2011~
第二个:215 Quiz 2~星期三~20.4.2011~
第三个:204 Mid sem test~星期四~21.4.2011~
第四个:260 Quiz 2~星期六~23.4.2011~
还有Week 8过后的Tuition free week~星期二又要交Micro assign~
第二个~这个嘛~6题对4题~应该算不错了~=) (这个要多谢KW和SL~=))
Micro assign~这个嘛~1500个字~对我这个英文不好的人来说~要写那么多~是不容易的事~而且对我这个没有Econ头脑的人~是难上加难~=(
最后~在26.4.2011大约0030~我终于死出一份拥有大约147X个字的micro assign~哈哈哈~
做完Micro assign~我就觉得又累又饿~
去了Pelita~叫了我喜欢的Roti cheese~哈哈哈~真过瘾~=)

ZC: 我们又要追不上你了~