Monday, May 2, 2011

~ Happy Labour Day ~

名副其实的劳动节。。。本人,这星期的确是像一只牛一样拼命"劳动"。。。所以,今天,也给自己放了个 labour day ;D....什么 assignments, debate, case study 统统都没碰 ;D

好啦,华文用词到此为止 xD 要不然,几小时后都 type 不完 LOL!

It's tuiton free week this week, meaning it's holiday for all of us...but, i found my life doomed by marketing debate FML $#$%#^$!!!!!!!!!

On normal study day, i went to college for 3 days, but tadaaaa, it's holiday and i went for 5 days (including 2moro)! Shit Right?!

But, the only good news is i finished perdisco ;D Someone is still suffering overthere LOL! Anyway, i'm sure everyone will be having their honeymoon day, like a week back those taking micro 200, were rushing for assignmnet option 1, while i'm the only one choosing option 2...meaning it will be me, the one and only, doing the shitty 1500 words assign few weeks later =(

And talking about the debate, i'm totally speechless, my condition now is "helpless"...i knew i'm gonna faint from panicking tat day, i knew i'm gonna forget my point and going a...a...a...., i knew i can't help but looking at the paper and read once i start forgetting my point..haiz! But, anyway, i'll try my best...人生有多少十年 right?! LOL!!!

After this debate, i'll left only finance quiz 3 and micro 200 assignment before heading to the exam hall =X

Since already long time didn't update this blog, i shall crap more week, will be the 9th week, meaning we have already undergo 2/3 of this sem, left about 6 weeks plus before, i would say the REAL HOLIDAY coming =D

Currently the question evolved before final is, am i ready for my final?'s what i think...

Finance 215 - the WORST out of the 4 subject, in danger of failling! All i said is i need lotso LUCK! Coz with my own ability, it's really hard to understand

Accounting 250 - honestly, till now, talking about the syllabus i'm even blur-er than fin...never pay attention in class, particularly bcoz of the lecturer haiz!! Luckily, got perdisco...all i said is there's still hope for this subject lol

Microeconomic 200 - I would say 50-50 for this subject, the 1st 50% is overall the syllabus is not too hard to understand and talking about mid sem, i think it's still handleable...another 50% is the assignment is quite a tough one and final is known for it's difficulty!

Marketing 100 - I would say quite a relax subject compare to the others. As the final weightage only consists of 35%, to pass this subject shouldn't be a problem. As the lecturer of this subject is not too strict, so i foresee he'll be quite lenient in marking our Dove assignment ;D

Okay la, this is all i wanna said LOL! And pls, u guys come and update the blog la! I'm waiting for someone to write his or her interesting stories...even if 你今天拉了什么,吃了什么,或吐了什么。。。also update la!! HAhahahah....

Here are some picture to share with u guys:

Panda before makeover =D

Panda after makeover =X

Paging for the LADY above, please come and update this blog as soon as possible! Your cooperation is highly appreciated LMAO xD

p/s: 原来,我们的 blog 已两个月大了.....
p/s: Wish me luck for my debate and i shall see you all next week! Bye~